Welcome to VII International Chestnut Symposium

Lugo, Spain 

Higher Polytechnic Engineering School/Escuela Politécnica Superior (EPS)
Pabellón III / Pavilion III
C/ Benigno Ledo

June 26-29, 2023


The Chestnut Leaf of the Botanica Album by Abe Rábade

Welcome to VII International Chestnut Symposium

Poster Printing Service

Chestnut Symposium is pleased to make poster printing available to you through our supplier  poster will be professionally printed and shipped directly to Lugo (EPS USC) and you will be able to pick it up from the poster desk at the poster area during the congress. Printing, packing and delivery to the congress venue will cost EUR 30€.

Please note the deadline Wednesday 21 June 23 (23:59 CEST) to submit the poster file for printing.

Here are the details:

Step 1:

Prepare your poster in a ready to print file as PDF 841 x 1189 mm (33.1 x 46.8 in) portrait.

Step 2:

Send the file to "servizos dixitais".

Poster Printing Service

Step 3:

Poster Printing Service

Step 4:

Pick up your poster onsite at the poster desk.


For further questions about this service, please contact the Customer Support at rebeca.mosquera@fundacionusc.gal copy to monicaafrica.otero@usc.es

Special Accommodation Offer

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